Sunday, May 19, 2013

Homily for May 18, 2013 (Vigil of Pentecost)

May Jesus Christ be praised and may his holy Mother pray for us.

In the celebration of the vigil for Pentecost, we await the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The desire of our hearts is to experience the presence and power of the Spirit of the Living God.

Like the people of Babel we desire to be united and to see heaven.  Unlike the people of Babel, we know that we are not the ones who build the city of God.  God will build his city and God will pour out the Spirit of unity.

Like the Israelites we desire to listen to the voice of the Lord and keep his covenant.  We rejoice in the presence of God among his people.

With the prophet Ezekiel we desire to receive the Spirit of the Lord that will bring us to life.  We desire to hear the word of the Lord that will give us hope.  We desire to hear the voice of the Lord that will call those who are dead in sin to life in Christ Jesus.

With the prophet Joel, we desire to receive the Spirit of the Lord.  We desire to have a vision of the Kingdom and experience the wonders of the power of God.

With Saint Paul, we beg the Holy Spirit to intercede for us.  We beg the Holy Spirit to pray within us.  We beg the Holy Spirit to make each of us a temple for the glory of the Father.  We desire to receive the Holy Spirit who is the river of life-giving water.

As the Spirit descended upon the apostles, we invite the Spirit to descend upon us.  May the Holy Spirit transform us and fill us, so that we can live in the power and presence of God.  Amen.

Preached in Spanish at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Monroe, NC