Sunday, February 9, 2014

Homily for February 9, 2014 (Our Lady of Lourdes Sunday)

May Jesus Christ be praised and may his holy Mother pray for us.

She brought an invitation.  One hundred and fifty-six years ago, on the 11th of February, the Mother of God brought an invitation.  In the small village of Lourdes in France, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a humble, peasant girl named Bernadette.  Mary would appear to Bernadette eighteen times between the 11th of February and the 16th of July of that year.  The Blessed Virgin Mary gave an invitation to Bernadette.  She gave an invitation to the people of France.  She gave an invitation to the people of the world.  And today, the Mother of God gives an invitation to you and to me.

Mary invites us to conversion.  The Blessed Virgin Mary invited Bernadette to pray for the conversion of sinners and to do penance for them.  The invitation to conversion is an invitation to follow the way of the Lord Jesus more closely.  It is an invitation to turn away from sin and to turn toward the Lord.  The invitation to do penance is an opportunity for us to cooperate with the grace of God so that what has been damaged through the horrors of sin might be restored through the light of grace.  The Mother of God invites us to follow her Son.

Mary invites us to the cross.  The appearance of Our Lady in Lourdes has always been associated with the sick and the suffering.  Mary invites us to join her at the foot of the cross of her Son.  Mary looks upon those who suffer with the same eyes of mercy and loves with the same pierced and compassionate heart as she looked upon and loved her Son.  In every suffering and in every kind of suffering, Mary invites us to stand with her and to be cared for by her.  She is the loving mother who comforts her children.  She is the loving and compassionate mother who meets us along the road to our own Calvary.  The Mother of God invites us to the cross of her Son.

Mary invites us to experience healing.  During one of the times that Mary appeared to Bernadette, Mary invited her to drink from the spring of water.  What originally appeared as only a few drops of muddy water is now a mighty spring whose waters flow abundantly and bring healing and peace.  Lourdes is a place of physical healing, but more importantly, it is a place of spiritual healing.  It is a place where those who doubt are restored to faith, where those who despair are restored to hope, and where those who are dead in their sins are restored to life in Christ’s love.  The Mother of God invites us to experience the healing power of her Son at Lourdes.

In the Shrine of Lourdes in France, the Blessed Virgin Mary invites the world to conversion, to the cross, and to experience healing.  And now, dear brothers and sisters in the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Monroe, the Blessed Virgin Mary invites you and me to conversion, to the cross of her Son, and to experience healing.  We come to this place, to this sacred ground, to follow the Lord Jesus more closely.  We come here because at this moment the invitation of Christ is more powerful to us than the passing things of the world.  Here we turn away from the lies of the world, the flesh and the devil, so that we can embrace the truth in Christ Jesus.  We respond to the invitation of Mary because we know that our sufferings will only find their meaning and only find their completion in the holy cross of the Savior.  And we come here to receive the healing power of Christ, so that we will flow from this place like the waters of Lourdes.  Like the waters of Lourdes we will flow from this sanctuary and the witness of our lives will bring faith to those who doubt, hope to those who despair, and to the spiritually dead, life in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Amen.

Preached at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Monroe, NC