Saturday, April 19, 2014

Homily for the Easter Vigil (April 19, 2014)

May Jesus Christ be praised and may his holy Mother pray for us.

Tonight we tell our story.  It is the story of light overcoming the darkness, the story of faith overcoming doubt, the story of freedom overcoming slavery, and the story of life overcoming death.  Tonight we tell the story of the love that the Almighty God has for his people.  Tonight we tell the story of the life to which God invites his people.

On this most holy night, we begin again to tell the story that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.  Suffering and death do not have the final word.  Sin and disobedience do not have the final word.  This is the story that sin, suffering and death have been conquered by the blood of his holy cross.  The Eternal Word has been spoken and the Word is Life.

Tonight we tell our story.  And tonight, my dear catechumens, our story becomes your story too.  The Lord God who created the world in love, and who created you in love, tonight invites your profession of faith.  The Lord God who led the people of Israel out of Egypt and through the waters of the Red Sea leads you from slavery in the world to the waters of the baptismal font and to the freedom of the children of God.  As he once promised through the prophet Ezekiel, tonight through the holy anointing the Lord God places his Spirit within you.  Tonight, he welcomes you to his table.  Tonight you take your place at the wedding feast of the Son of God.

This is the night which sees Christ rise from the dead.  This is the night we tell our story. Amen.

Preached at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Monroe, NC