Sunday, March 22, 2015

Homily for March 22, 2015 (5th Sunday of Lent A)

May Jesus Christ be praised and may his holy Mother pray for us.

Yes Lord, I believe.  These are the words professed by Martha of Bethany.  Yes Lord, I believe.  Before she witnessed her brother Lazarus raised from the dead, Martha professed her faith in the power of Jesus Christ.  Yes Lord, I believe.

Martha, like her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus, was loved by Jesus.  They were privileged to listen to him.  They were privileged to welcome him.  They were privileged to know the Lord Jesus.  And when Lazarus became ill, it was Martha and Mary who sent word to the Lord Jesus.  They knew that he had the power to heal their brother.  They would be privileged to see the full power of the resurrection and the promise of life in Jesus Christ.

Through the prophet Ezekiel, the Lord God had promised to open the graves of his people and call them to life in the Promised Land.  The Lord God promised to place his spirit, the spirit of life and the spirit of faith, in the hearts of his people.  This is the spirit that Paul proclaims.  This is the spirit of life and power.  This is the spirit of the resurrection.  This is the spirit of the promise in which Mary and Lazarus and Martha of Bethany placed their faith.  This is the spirit that conquers death and brings life.

Yes Lord, I believe.  Martha spoke these words in sadness and darkness.  Her brother had died, her sister was at home with the mourners, but the Lord Jesus was near.  She had called for him, and he had come to Bethany.  She announced her sorrow at the death of Lazarus, but pronounced her faith in the power of Jesus.  She revealed her belief in the resurrection of the righteous ones on the last day, but Jesus Christ revealed something more.  The power of the resurrection at the last day in which Martha believed, was speaking to her.  She heard the words of promise from the one who is the promise.  She is the first to hear the promise of the resurrection.  She is the first to hear the promise of eternal life in Jesus Christ.

Yes Lord, I believe.  Martha professed her faith before she had seen the promise fulfilled.  Martha professed her faith in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in anticipation of the glory that is to be revealed.  And so do we.  Martha made her profession of faith near a tomb that was sealed.  She professed her faith in the one whom she knew, the one whose voice she heard, and the one whose teaching she had learned.  Martha professed her faith in the promise of the resurrection because of her faith in the one who made the promise. And the promise of the resurrection that was made to Mary and Martha and Lazarus of Bethany is made to you and to me.

Yes Lord, I believe.  Amen.

Preached at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Monroe, NC