Friday, March 29, 2013

Homily for Good Friday (March 29, 2013)

May Jesus Christ be praised and may his holy Mother pray for us.

Even from the cross, the Lord Jesus bestowed gifts upon his people. After he had been beaten, crowned with thorns, lead through the streets, and nailed to the cross, the Lord Jesus still bestowed gifts upon his people.

Behold your son.  At the foot of the cross, the Lord Jesus entrusted his Beloved Disciple to his Blessed Mother.  We were all given to her as her beloved children.  The Lord Jesus has shared with us his relationship with God the Father.  Now he shares with us his relationship with his mother as well.

Behold your Mother.  At the foot of the cross, the Lord Jesus entrusted his Blessed Mother to his Beloved Disciple.  She was given to all of us as our loving Mother.  Our cares are now her cares.  Our prayers are now her prayers.  Now we turn to her, so that she will teach us how to love Him.

I thirst.  From the cross, the Lord Jesus shares with us his own need.  He invites his disciples to care for him and quench his thirst.  He has given to us the opportunity to care for him as he has cared for us.  When we care for the poor and the suffering, we quench the thirst of the Suffering Savior.

It is finished.  From the cross the Lord Jesus pours forth his spirit.  He poured out his spirit on Mary and John.  He poured out his spirit on the Church.  He gave to us the gift of a share in his sufferings and in his life.

And blood and water flowed from his side.  From the pierced side of the Savior flowed the streams of eternal life.  In the waters of Baptism and the Blood of the Eucharist, the Lord Jesus has given to us everything.

Even from the cross, the Lord Jesus bestowed gifts upon his people.  Come, let us adore.  Amen.

Preached at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Monroe, NC