Sunday, November 29, 2015

Homily for November 29, 2015 (1st Sunday of Advent)

Every now and then I will get a card in the mail from a friend or an acquaintance or someone else and it’s not a greeting card or a get well card or a happy birthday card or even an invitation. The card is an announcement about some important event that will be happening on some particular day in the distant future. The card in the mail is telling me a few little details about the event and asking me to Save the Date. Even though the event is in the distant future whoever sent this announcement wants to reserve a place in my mind and a space on my calendar.

Sometimes these announcements are for smaller events. From stores and businesses we get announcements to save the date for grand openings and sales and theaters invite us to save the date so that we can see the latest movie on its opening day. But sometimes these announcements are for much bigger events. Save the date – I’m turning 15 . . . or 39. Save the date- I’m graduating. Save the date- we’re getting married. Some events are just so important that they need to be announced early. They are announced in plenty of time so that we can prepare a place in our minds and a space on our calendar. These are the events that we think about and places where we spend the precious gift of our time. Some things are just that important. Some things deserve to be announced early.

Like the promise of the one who will open the gates of Paradise. That was announced early. Even as the gates were closing on the Garden of Eden, there was the announcement that one day someone would come with a cross shaped key to open them.  Even as Moses was dying before entering into the Promised Land, there was the announcement that the Lord would raise up a prophet like him to the lead the people. And even as the prophets spoke in times of war and exile, there was the announcement that a child would be born and a son given in whose reign is everlasting peace. Some things are just so important that they deserve to be announced early.    

The season of Advent is our Save the Date announcement. We are given this time to prepare a place in our minds and in our hearts and even a place in our busy schedules so that we can join in the celebration of the Son of God. As we prepare for the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and the return of the Lord Jesus in glory, we meet him here. The promise that was announced at the gates of the Garden of Eden and made to Moses on the edge of the Promised Land is fulfilled in our midst on the Altar. Jesus himself invites us to join in the celebration. Amen.

Preached at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Monroe, NC