Sunday, August 17, 2014

Homily for August 17, 2014 (20th Sunday A)

May Jesus Christ be praised and may his holy Mother pray for us.

Her faith is great.  The Canaanite woman in the Gospel possesses great faith.  She is an outsider.  She is not part of the people of Israel.  She is not, at least in the minds of the disciples at that moment, a recipient of the promise of God.  Yet she shows the disciples what it means to have faith.  She shows us what it means to have faith.

The Canaanite woman approaches the Lord with humility and reverence.  She calls upon Jesus as the Lord and the Son of David.  She does him homage.  She recognizes that healing and salvation are present and active in Him.  With humility and reverence, she demonstrates her faith in the Lord Jesus.

The Canaanite woman reveals her request to the Lord.  She does not hide her need.  She announces that her daughter is tormented by a demon.  She fearlessly proclaims, “Lord, help me.”  There is no reservation in her words.  There is no pride that prevents her from making her petition known to the Lord.  Even though she is not a Daughter of Israel, she approaches the Lord Jesus with the confidence of a child.  With the confidence of a child, she reveals her request, and demonstrates her faith.

The Canaanite woman is persistent.  She will not allow the cultural differences to keep her from the Lord.  She will not allow the silence of the Lord Jesus to prevent her from speaking.  In her persistence, she demonstrates her faith in the Lord Jesus.

As we approach the Lord Jesus, and through him, approach the Father of all mercies, may the example of the Canaanite woman inspire us to approach with humility and reverence.  With the confidence of a child let us make known our needs and petitions to the one who is worthy to receive our prayers.  And with the persistence of a loving mother interceding for her child, let us offer our prayers to the Lord with the confidence of faith.  Amen.

Preached at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Monroe, NC